16 November 2012

Through the eyes of a child

The other day, my lovely kindergartner was very excited to share a portrait of mommy that she drew. At first glance I was impressed with her attention to details...but then the obvious SMACKED me in the face! My darling daughter drew a picture of a pretty, but fat mommy.

I felt slightly depressed initially, but mind you, I still posted the picture on social media and shared a good laugh with my friends..."if you can't laugh at yourself..."
My 41st birthday is pending and I want to do something "special" for myself. Originally, I considered botox. It may seem unconventional in some parts of the country, but we live in Florida, by the beach, it's just what we do;)
After plenty of consideration, I came to the realization that having smoother facial skin wold mean nothing to me if I was unhappy from the neck down!
For a few years I have felt sick and tired of being sick and tired, (I KNOW, another cliche) I am very unhappy with my body image. I feel sluggish, I never drink water. I fool myself into thinking that I can count the ice cubes in my Diet Cokes. And I seem to catch every bug that floats through our sleepy gulf~side town.
I'm also coming up to the 2nd birthday of my 5th and FINAL child. I have spent the last 2 years trying to convince myself that the extra baby weight will just "fall off" like it did previously. I'm just "fluffy" I'm not obese, so it's ok.....
I couldn't shake that masterpiece that my little princess drew, it stuck in my mind, like an unintentional bully poking at me, just poking and poking...
I've got some thinking, contemplating, planning and research ahead of me:)

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