28 September 2009

Calling all Bloggers...PLEASE HELP!

As I fall deeper into this Blog Hobby :) I find myself with some technical questions. If anyone can offer some HELP I would be so gratefull!

What happened to the spellcheck? Was it ever there to begin with? I wanna say that I had a spellcheck option as I composed my first Blog or two?!

Formatting? My former post "Fun Halloween Pillowcase" has some major glitches in the published post. When I attempt to correct the spacing and view it in my composition widow it appears perfect. However, it will not save or publish or preview the same. AAAUUGGHHHHH!

Thoughts, Comments and Answers WELCOME!!!



  1. I write my blogs (all what, 2 of them... I gotta get cracking!!) in Word 2007 and then use the publish to blog feature. I tried publishing mine from the actual blog and it never worked. Rather than futz with it too much, I tried it from Word and it worked like a charm. Granted, I've not tried it with photos or anything.

    AND I'm in love with your Halloween pillow. I made Gus a Wizard of Oz pillowcase a few weeks ago and can't wait to make more.

  2. I saw the pics of the OZ pillowcase...and the rick rack on'roids...LOVED IT!
    I made a Christmas pillowcase the other day. It has a pocket for kiddos to leave their wish list/letter to Santa. The surprise is that it also has a response letter that Santa then leaves for the kiddo.
