27 December 2009

YUMMY Peppermint Bark Recipe


Are you wondering what you are going to do with all the left-over candy canes from the holiday season? Why pay over $20 for similar Peppermint Bark items that you order from a catalog (plus shipping) or purchase at the mall? I was inspired to make my own when I spotted some PB in a store at the mall a few days before Christmas. As I reached for the 8 oz. piece of candy I recoiled in shock at the $14.99 price tag! At that moment I made the decision to make my own PB....and to give it as a small gift to some special friends!


1 bag of Ghirardelli 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chips
10 oz Bakers Premium White Chocolate Baking Squares (this equals 1 1/2 boxes)
1/2 tsp. Peppermint Extract
Crushed Candy Canes (approx. 1/2 cup)

Line a 9" x 11" baking pan with foil.

Using a double boiler method, melt the Ghirardelli Bittersweet Chips, stirring constantly.

Add Peppermint Extract.

Pour into the lined baking pan and spread and chill until set.

Using a double boiler method, melt the Bakers White Chocolate, stirring contantly.

Pour over chilled bittersweet chocolate layer, sprinkle with crushed candy canes

Chill until set, approx. 1-2 hours.

Break into bite-size pieces and store in an air-tight container.


For thicker bark, simply use a smaller pan.

Adjust the Peppermint Extract to your liking, you can even add it to the white chocolate layer.
    I prefer the "soft" candy cane or peppermint candy. (It is still hard but melts in your mouth faster!)  
    Sometimes the layers can split when you break the PB. This can be due to moisture from your fridge settling on the bittersweet choco layer. If you notice condensation on your choco layer then lightly press a fresh paper towel over the top prior to layering the white choco.  
    I purchased my ingredients at WalMart and the total was in the $5 range. For best results ensure your ingredients are real chocolate and not chocolate flavored candies.  
    Don't get caught with your hand in the candy tin of PB AFTER you've gifted it to those "special friends"! ;)


  1. ok, i will have my wife try this one out, since i do not bake or make sweets...lol

  2. Hi there! I just stumbled onto your blog when googling mine! I had to chuckle since my blog is HobbyMommy (started in 2007) Love your blog and can't wait to stop by soon! I just found a similar recipe for pepperment bark from a link on SouleMama. Happy New Year!
